

Snap Judgments: A Magnet for the Wrong People

Avoiding the Trap: Snap Judgments and Unwanted Relationships No evil or unintelligent person puts on the hat of being thoughtless, and if they are good manipulators. People who make snap judgments quickly can end up with the wrong people and in the wrong places. Our world prioritises superficial elements and categorising people, which is an improper practice.  Globalisation has resulted in us encountering individuals with diverse skills. If we have certain preconceived notions about gender, race, and financial status, we may make hasty judgments. Make sure to pay attention. If you fall into that category, you must read this. Unfortunately, the world operates with this snap judgment theory. The clothing, styling, and cosmetic industries are highly profitable. Pay attention because that's the truth. Continue reading to learn beyond superficial assessments and genuinely understand the natural person. In today's world, superficial factors such as clothing and presentation ski

Balancing Hormones with Ayurveda and Yoga: A Path to Better Mental and Overall Health for Men and Women

  How Ayurveda and Yoga Help Balance Hormones for Both Men and Women Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a holistic approach to health and well-being, including the balancing of hormones. By focusing on diet, lifestyle, herbal remedies, and practices such as yoga, which includes Asana, Pranayama, meditation, and mudra, Ayurveda and yoga aim to harmonize the body's natural rhythms and promote optimal hormonal health for both men and women. Ayurvedic Principles for Hormonal Balance 1. Understanding Doshas: Ayurveda classifies individuals into three primary doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each dosha represents a combination of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) and governs different bodily functions. Hormonal balance is achieved by maintaining the equilibrium of these doshas. 2. Personalized Approach: Ayurveda emphasizes a personalized approach, considering each person's unique constitution (Prakriti) and current state of imbalance (Vikrit

Why men's hormones follow a 24-hour cycle while women's hormones follow a roughly 28-day cycle?

             Understanding Hormonal Cycles: Men vs. Women There are often misunderstandings about men's and women's hormones, leading us to ignore our anatomy and basic nature. This can lead to emotional roller coasters and mental health conditions. Let's reconnect with our fundamental nature before engaging in conflicts over sex, race, color, and gender. Understanding this can foster respect for everyone and improve our ability to handle these differences. This discussion focuses on the normal state; other sexuality and genders will be explored in separate blogs." When it comes to hormones and their impact on mood and health, both men and women experience fluctuations, but the patterns and cycles differ significantly.   Why men's hormones follow a 24-hour cycle while women's hormones follow a roughly 28-day cycle? Men's 24-Hour Hormonal Cycle Testosterone: The Key Player Daily Fluctuations: The primary male hormone, testosterone, follows a circadian rhyth

Understanding and Managing Anger

             Healthy Ways to Convey Anger           A Path to Emotional Well-being Anger is a powerful emotional response that often arises in the face of perceived threats or injustices. It is a natural and instinctive reaction, signaling us to potential danger or unfairness. However, the root of anger often lies deeper, intertwined with feelings of helplessness. When we find ourselves in situations where we feel powerless, anger becomes a way to express our frustration and reclaim a sense of control.   The Roots of Anger Many people experience anger when they feel trapped or unable to influence their circumstances. This helplessness can stem from various sources, such as personal relationships, workplace dynamics, or societal issues. Recognizing that our anger may be rooted in these deeper feelings can help us address the underlying causes rather than merely reacting to the immediate triggers. Anger as an Emotional Signal Anger serves as an emotional signal, alerting us to potential

The Importance of Internal Boundaries: Establishing a Healthy Relationship with Ourselves

    Reclaiming Your Energy: The Benefits of Setting Internal Boundaries I work largely with people, and sometimes I need to take a break from social interactions to recharge. I often retreat to the woods, mountains, or simply spend time alone with a book. My partner didn't initially understand this need, but over time, he has come to recognize its importance. I need this "me time," which can range from a few hours to days. Sometimes, to achieve this personal space, I come up with stories as an excuse. It's not about my love for others—they are all wonderful and I cherish them. It's about me needing to reset my peace and energy. People often drain my energy, so I take time to reinvent myself, have meaningful conversations, and indulge in self-love. By keeping my boundaries and reconnecting with myself, I can maintain my well-being. Many of us are busy fulfilling the needs of others—work, spouses, children, extended family—leaving ourselves as the last priority. Thi

Breaking the Taboo: The Urgent Need to Change our Attitude Towards Mental Health"

We need to change our view and attitude  about mental health. We all have bad and good seasons in our lives; it’s a journey on rocky roads. Humans are social and emotional animals, and it's time we develop an effective support system. Yesterday was World Mental Health Day, and I saw the World Health Organization’s animated video about suicide prevention. To be honest, it is frustrating. We are living in the greatest time in history. We have advanced technology and medicine, and hospitals are on a whole other level. Even the fitness trend is catching on. However, we also see a rise in mental health problems. According to the WHO, every 40 seconds someone loses their life to suicide. If we start caring for and listening to our fellow beings, we could potentially save many lives. Check out the video link below from the World Health Organization's suicide prevention campaign. Preventing suicide: information for health workers #.   . It's high time we consider mental heal

Discovering the Roots of Anger

Understanding Anger: Imagine you're at work, deep into an important project, when suddenly a colleague takes credit for your idea during a meeting. You feel a surge of anger rising from within. Your heart starts racing, your face flushes, and your fists clench. This moment of anger is not just an emotional outburst; it's a complex physiological and psychological response. The Brain's Reaction When we experience anger, it all starts with the amygdala, the brain’s emotional processing center. The amygdala perceives a threat or an injustice and signals the hypothalamus. This small region in the brain acts as a command center, communicating with the rest of the body through the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the pituitary gland. The ANS then releases adrenaline and noradrenaline, preparing your body for a fight-or-flight response. Concurrently, the pituitary gland releases stress hormones like cortisol into the bloodstream. Physical Reactions Your heart rate and blood p